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Different Types of Core Barrel are Suitable For Different Projects


Different types of core barrel are suitable for different projects. There are many types of core barrel to deal with a variety of situations, therefore, with the different working conditions, workers can choose the appropriate core barrel, so as to improve work efficiency and ensure safety.

For example, BQ core barrel is ideal for use in most surface drilling conditions and is available for application in standard DCDMA B size hole; BQU Piling Rig Hard Rock Core Barrel is ideal for use in most underground drilling conditions and is available for application in standard DCDMA B size hole; NQ core barrel is ideal for use in most surface drilling conditions and is available for application in standard DCDMA N size hole; PQ Rope coring drill pipe rod coring barrel is ideal for use in most surface drilling conditions and is available for application in standard DCDMA P size hole; HQ core barrel is ideal for use in most surface drilling conditions and is available for application in standard DCDMA H size hole and so on.

Therefore, in the face of different situations, it is very important to select the appropriate supporting equipment in the work.

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